1. Samples- Your samples can be in 5ml tubes or 15ml conical. You should aim for a concentration around 10 million/ml for cell lines or 15 million/ml for lymphocytes. If you don’t have nearly that many cells, don’t resuspend in less than 500ul. Buffer can be anything that the cells are happy in. More detailed info here
  2. Controls- For fluorescent protein work we need an untransfected sample to set up the instrument. For multicolor experiments we need unstained in addition to single color controls.
  3. Collection Tubes- We can collect into eppendorf, 5ml, 15ml 50ml or 96well plates. Each collection tube should have collection media already in the tube.
  4. Extra media- In case there is a clog and a sample needs to be resorted.
  5. Jump Drive- If you need your data files
  6. Ice- If appropriate.