In general here are the steps for getting trained to do self run sorting.
- Schedule the Aria for a 9am sort for 1.5 hours (please note in the description that this will be for self run training). This will NOT involve cells or actual sorting. We will spend that time starting up the instrument, doing qc and calibrations etc..
- At that point ideally you come in some other morning and practice using your notes and SOP. For the most part if your sorting during normal hours we will have everything ready for you and you wont get much practice for the off chance you end up having to sort on the weekend or something like that.
- Finally, you can schedule an actual sort with your cells and we will finish up the cell sorting training.
- After sorter training is complete, please finalize the process by taking our self sort quiz.
There are a few more details that come up on a case by case basis that are best left to in person conversations.